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Skischool Götzens - Lizum
Schischule Mair Reisen KG
FN 352348i
UID ATU65971246
Neugötznerstraße 36
6091 Götzens
Tel.: +43 5234 32286
Fax: +43 5234 32283
Member of Snowsport Tirol
According to law:
Law of Tyrolean Skischools
Ski Rental Mair Götzens
Owner: Bernhard Mair
UID ATU52329804
Neugötznerstraße 36
6091 Götzens
Tel.: +43 5234 32286
Fax: +43 5234 32283
Responsibility for contents of this homepage: Schischule Mair Reisen KG, Ski Rental Mair Götzens
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